From August 2016 to July 2017 ZHRO members Rashiwe Bayisayi and John Burke set about finding a practical walking route from Brighton to London. Some 100 miles of walking later; By utilising the old railway route, now called the Downs Link, that took us all the way to Guildford. From Guildford the River routes allowed us to get to Kempton Park and latterly Hampton Court. We have now completed 5 such walks 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 [these last two during "Lockdown"!]. We are now preparing for 2022 on 13-14th August [Full Moon (again) to aid the night section] and see preparation articles due soon and our Facebook Page too
Walking for Activism: for fitness, for publicity; for a public reaction. But just to mingle in the wonderful British country-side and to enjoy the scenery
Over the years, and started back around 2015/6 Rashiwe - suggested a Walk for Freedom. Ever since many of us have partaken in an activity, which is free, inspirational {when in the Countryside} and a good, gentle form of exercise. The first step {excuse the pun} is to consult the maps - both online and off-line {paper-maps} to "plan to explore" - in the UK we are very fortunate to have the OS {Ordnance Survey} and an amazing amount of public footpaths and bridleways. More about the UK and its heritage of mapping: The name ORDNANCE SURVEYhints at how it all began. See more history later;
Our first Walk for Freedom {as ZHRO - since we had tried a Walk to London in 2026 as ROHR} was on 21st August 2017. We took some time at the hills above Brighton - at the Public House, called the Devil's Dyke {near the geographic feature of the same name} See our Photo Album CLICK HERE - to open a new Window
Glorious day in the sunshine, and the trip through the Yorkshire Dales, via Barnard Castle was a delight. It was an early start for us all as the trip from Leeds to the 'Walk' itself was 2 hours and 90 miles to the North of Leeds. So we decided to set off around 7:00 AM Saturday morning, of the 20th may 2023. Monica, Qiniso, Knonzanani, and with John diving we did the 'pick-ups' around Leeds then headed for the M1/AI to the North!
It was a bright day, with some early morning mists being burnt off by the Sun. We drove to the famous "Scotch Corner" where the A66 meets the A1, and headed towards the Yorkshire Dales. A lovely drive indeed, and the scenery, as we turned off the A66 just got better with every twist and turn - and there were plenty of those! No road grid layouts in the UK! The breath-taking Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle that we passed, is clearly somewhere to visit at a later date.
Onward via, Middleton-in-Teesdale and Newbiggin and out to the Bowlees Visitor Centre, just West of Newbiggin. They have a great car parking arrangement with simply voluntary donations, rather than a set fee. And its mostly under the shade of trees and next to a babbling brook/stream too! BUT NOTE - get there early {we arrived at 9:30am and had the pick of the parking spots}, but at 1:00 pm with was completely full, with cars parked all the way along the approach roads!
The actual Walk itself was excellent too, although we set off in the wrong direction to start, and had to rectify that with a walk trough some fields (still technically a footpath as indicated on the Ordnance Survey map I was trying to use. PLEASE NOTE: Little of Zero Mobile Signal in the area of the Bowlees Centre! So in future I need paper maps!!
Well it's that time of the year again, when Zimbabwens, and their faithful supporters, need to dust off their walking boots and get outside to stretch their legs in anticipation of the "Walk for Freedom"! Practice is extremly important if this year's potential participants are attempting to try the full-monty!
This year our provisional dates are as the flyer namely, 12-13th August 2023 - [OR POSSIBLYTHE 5-6th AUGUST as it's another FULL MOON] - simply ideal for the night section by the Rivers before and after Guildford.
but please, do not let the provisional date stop you from readying yourself with some PRACTICE!! However, as indicated in previous years, the "Walk for Freedom" is in 'bite-sized' chunks. See later for all the chunks, their description and maps.
Same route as all the previous years {since 2017, with some minor revisions} - We did infact organise a Walk in 2016 under the guise of ROHR, with Rashiwe and myself both path-finding and participating! Although, we all "checked-out" at the camp site we had organised at Edenbridge around 11:30pm - but that's another story!
This year's "reflections" dwell on the voting 'fiasco' in Zimbabwe and the failure of ZEC and Zanu PF to implement any of the recommendations offered by many Election Observers. 2023, what will happen this time - will the 'de facto' opposition party - the re-branded CCC, win again, with a simple majority, or will ZEC, again take weeks to "fiddle" [allegedly] the voting returns and numbers - backed up by a corrupt and "number blind" Judiciary?
As ZHRO, we have with the MyRight2Vote campaign and ROHR petitioned SADC, AU, FCDO and the BBC [on 20th July 2022 - see link to this HERE]. As a direct result we have an invitation to the FCDO [Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office] on the 18th August at 14:00 - a discreet and confidential meeting to discuss from a purely Human Rights perspective - The Right to a Free and Fair Election - as defined in Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.
Wish us luck and further lobbying within the FCDO for the right to a free, fair and genuine election in Zimbabwe in 2023.
Our Flickr page of the 13-14th August is now availableClick HERE there are more photos being added over this week.
Let's start our "reflections" with the comment from Rashiwe Bayisayi from last years as it's still highly relevant today.
"Walk for Freedom" started in 2016 as a symbol of solidarity with Zimbabweans 'back-home', and those within the diaspora. The 'Walk' symbolises the struggles we face at home and in 'Foreign Lands. Walking in the sun, rain, cold, day and night to give "awareness" to the British Public, and the World at large of what is happening in our Home Country. I call upon my fellow Country men and women to come and join the 'struggle' because united we stand and our 'plea' may reach all corners of the World. I trust that one day Freedom will come our way. I believe in our lifetime Human Rights will be respected, Freedom of speech will be recognised without fear of persecution.
We are not going to stop until Zimbabwe is FREE. Let's "Walk for Freedom".
#Walk for Freedom
Aluta Continua
by Rashiwe Bayisayi - Principal Walk Pathfinder, 2016 completion to Embassy, plus ZHRO 6 time completion medal winner.
It Was Too Hot!
What can we say - a high pressure over the Atlantic has caused hot air from the Sahara to be re-directed over the UK - especially the South Coast!
Joking aside, the plan {we did some considerable planning - see previous articles on this Walk Section} was to start early at 7:00am so that we would get to the Downs Link section {and the shade of the trees along that route} by 12:20 pm, as the temperatures were climbing. BUT - the best laid plans...of mice and men...{Robert Burns} So it is with some embarrassment that things went wrong immediately! We had some worries.
In this update, made on the sombre anniversary of 1st August 2018 when Zimbabwe's Soldiers opened fire indiscriminately on unarmed civilians - who were quite correctly protesting about the rigging of the 2018 election, we must remind all Zimbabweans, the AU [African Union], SADC [Southern African Development Community] and the rest of the World, that there are currently NO Free and Fair Elections - nor has there been in practice since the 1980 [False] Independence. We will also repeat this item on our website that highlights the fact that there is a Military Cabal controlling Zimbabwe, the Zanu PF party.
So our WALK FOR FREEDOM is as relevant as ever on this 7th time we have planned this event [the first time was in August 2016 just prior to the formation of ZHRO in October 2016]. Our 'practice walks' this month in London and North Yorkshire, have tied-in with other events to do with campaigning for Free, Fair and Open Elections - as highlighted below:
"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures." Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
As in previous year's we will attempt to predict our walking timetable for those who may wish to cheer us on, or join us for part of this well trodden route of ours. So we will publish maps, timetables, and for those with a 'tech savvy' outlook - live navigation links to the UK's Ordnance Survey Mapping software. The same as the organiser's on the day. {Due shortly}
This year we are actively seeking supporting donations so that we can [as we have done in every year previously] have a support team(s) to ferry the walkers, food, bandages, blister plasters etc., In addition as necessary, finally collect the "walking wounded" (!) - joking - but some of us have very delicate feet - and the stony footpaths can take their toll on those without practice, multiple pairs of socks {for keeping the feet cool}, good footwear, ankle support, blisters and cramps! Plus a bit of sympathy at times too!
So our donation PayPal button on this page would welcome your spontaneous generosity. Or this QR code using your phone.
Now those wishing to be at the start, we must emphasise that the walkers will hope to leave the Brighton Pier forecourt at 7:00am sharp. This is to facilitate the 8 miles to stand and take in the stunning beauty atop the "Devil's Dyke" hill within the South Downs.
As the organisation is very 'minimal' we cannot accommodate people leaving at different times - as each group would need navigational support - since so few have taken onboard the mapping software in the past. So for practical reasons, we start at one time, in a group, ideally keeping together. This will facilitate the taking of photos, Twitter, Facebook, ZHRO Live, Zim Eye Live and other media we will employ throughout the full 25-30 hours of the "Walk for Freedom"
This link is the most important, its the original detailed full route as plotted on the OS Online platform from Ordnance Survey UK. It is scaleable, in that it can be enlarged right down to individual footpath levels. If you have the OS App then you can navigate "live" in the field using your phone as a direction finder. 100km Route CLICK HERE
Timetable {Approximate}
This timetable is AN APPROXIMATION for arriving and leaving times at the locations identified with Sat Nav Post Codes
Route Maps here - Along the full Walk for Freedom
These Short Section Maps are designed to help those without Data Access "In the field" as it were. Please print off the section(s) you will be walking
USE THESE LINKS Opposite TO OPEN THE MAPS in a new Window