On Monday the 9th January 16 brave souls stood outside the Kenyan Embassy in the rain, and despite a total Tube Strike.They were there to remind the Kenyans that their National Airline is transporting Zimbabweans forcibly or against their wishes back to Zimbabwe, via Nairobe.
A petition was put through their letterbox, but only after our request to hand-deliver it was rejected - at least twice, even with a friendly policeman negotiating on our behalf.
Members of ZHRO, Yes We Can, Stendrick Zvorwadza's ROHR and MDC were there along with a few Facebook members, sufficiently enraged to make an attendance.
Those present were; Pythias Makonese, Rashie Bayisayi, Pauline Yeko, Douglas Tavengwa, Peter Sidindi, Yvonne Bonde (organiser for ZHRO), Salom Nkiwane, Sarah Bayisayi, Flemming Diza, Mary Ndoro, John Burke, David Kadzutu and Stendrick Zvorwadza. Also there were Elector Zvorwadza, Rosemary Ribatika and Nerriah Mashamba.