ZHRO Drone Video

From August 2016 to July 2017 ZHRO members Rashiwe Bayisayi and John Burke set about finding a practical walking route from Brighton to London. Some 100 miles of walking later; By utilising the old railway route, now called the Downs Link, that took us all the way to Guildford. From Guildford the River routes allowed us to get to Kempton Park and latterly Hampton Court. We have now completed 5 such walks 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 [these last two during "Lockdown"!]. We are now preparing for 2022 on 13-14th August [Full Moon (again) to aid the night section] and see preparation articles due soon and our Facebook Page too

Stop AbductionsThis year's "reflections" dwell on the voting 'fiasco' in Zimbabwe and the failure of ZEC and Zanu PF to implement any of the recommendations offered by many Election Observers. 2023, what will happen this time - will the 'de facto' opposition party - the re-branded CCC, win again, with a simple majority, or will ZEC, again take weeks to "fiddle" [allegedly] the voting returns and numbers - backed up by a corrupt and "number blind" Judiciary?

As ZHRO, we have with the MyRight2Vote campaign and ROHR petitioned SADC, AU, FCDO and the BBC [on 20th July 2022 - see link to this HERE]. As a direct result we have an invitation to the FCDO [Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office] on the 18th August at 14:00 - a discreet and confidential meeting to discuss from a purely Human Rights perspective - The Right to a Free and Fair Election - as defined in Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.

Wish us luck and further lobbying within the FCDO for the right to a free, fair and genuine election in Zimbabwe in 2023.

Our Flickr page of the 13-14th August is now available Click HERE there are more photos being added over this week.

Let's start our "reflections" with the comment from Rashiwe Bayisayi from last years as it's still highly relevant today.

"Walk for Freedom" started in 2016 as a symbol of solidarity with Zimbabweans 'back-home', and those within the diaspora. The 'Walk' symbolises the struggles we face at home and in 'Foreign Lands. Walking in the sun, rain, cold, day and night to give "awareness" to the British Public, and the World at large of what is happening in our Home Country. I call upon my fellow Country men and women to come and join the 'struggle' because united we stand and our 'plea' may reach all corners of the World. I trust that one day Freedom will come our way. I believe in our lifetime Human Rights will be respected, Freedom of speech will be recognised without fear of persecution. 

  • We are not going to stop until Zimbabwe is FREE. Let's "Walk for Freedom".
  • #Walk for Freedom
  • #Take2Zimbabwe
  • Aluta Continua

by Rashiwe Bayisayi - Principal Walk Pathfinder, 2016 completion to Embassy, plus ZHRO 6 time completion medal winner. 

It Was Too Hot!

What can we say - a high pressure over the Atlantic has caused hot air from the Sahara to be re-directed over the UK - especially the South Coast!

Joking aside, the plan {we did some considerable planning - see previous articles on this Walk Section} was to start early at 7:00am so that we would get to the Downs Link section {and the shade of the trees along that route} by 12:20 pm, as the temperatures were climbing. BUT - the best laid plans...of mice and men...{Robert Burns} So it is with some embarrassment that things went wrong immediately! We had some worries.

So the main group set off for the Devil's Dyke {Public House} a bit late, whilst Moses, myself and Alwyn set of at 9:00 {2 hours late!}

But it was too hot!

Moses and his family had driven down on Friday from Newcastle-upon-Tyne{!} in that searing heat, had been held up on the hopeless M25 {stationary for 25 minutes}, accidents and cars overheating all the way. So arrived already exhausted from the drive.

So this latter - late - group got to the Devil's Dyke {Public House} at 11:30am Saturday - so it was already....Too Hot! We made the best of it and Chipo Parirenyatwa kept us all happy with her Tik Tok "expertise"! 41,000 views on the day no less {now 48,100 17th Aug also see the other Tik Tok clips on many parts of the walk CLICK HERE }. Chipo then encouraged the Walkers to Jump - something which again has created a lot of interest. {see photos of the 3 "flying ladies" and most of the Walkers - off the ground}

 Jump  Jump everybody
 Three Flying Ladies  Jump Everybody 


Banners were unfurled to indicate the problems in Zimbabwe regarding oppression, intimidation, abductions, torture, starvation and murder inflicted by the Zanu PF regime, as alluded to in our opening commentary. However to lighten the mood - this was done with singing and chanting - this gave us an 'audience' from those around the public car park at the top of this amazing view-point. A couple of Live Videos on our Facebook platform were also filmed - CLICK HERE to View and Another HERE

 Banner on Devil's Dyke


The next phase of the Walk we could see that would be a real 'trial', the heat by now was oppressive, and the valley below was sheltered from the refreshing sea breeze that we were feeling at the top of this part of the South Downs. The "Death Valley" Walk to Henfield would take its toll on those walking to the Cat and The Canary Public House at our joining the relatively sheltered Downs Link path eventually to Guildford, with intermediate stages at Christ's Hospital, Rudgewick, Cranleigh and Bramley & Wonerash {Old} Railway Station. All the Walk for Freedom participants were suffering when they arrived at the Cat & Canary Public House. Their arrival had been fore-warned by John Burke [who had opted out of the "Death Valley" part of the Walk]. So the patrons and the bar-maid in the Pub were in anticipation of the walking group's arrival, and the walkers were given pints of ice water!! Most drank two!! 

Because "It was too Hot"

The intrepid Walkers now refreshed, set off under the relative shelter [from the Sun] on the Downs Link. The next leg of this journey was another 20km - and taking around 4 hours to traverse. See images on our Flickr Album   This part was mostly flat and level. We hope to be able to add more photos of this part of the walk shortly - again these will be added to the Flickr Album as indicated previously. 

So we met the walking group at the Green at the Village of Christ's Hospital {named after the Private School} Here there was food, drink and music to nourish the exhausted 'Walk for Freedom' group. Hot food, tea and suchlike was provided by the "Support Crew" in two cars - these cars also included the individual changes of clothing, foot-ware, water and ample blister plasters to heal the 'wounds' of the walk! They were also used to carry away those who could not continue any further - a sort of Walk for Freedom 'Ambulance Service'. Plaxedes 'retired' at this point.

After being fed and watered, the intrepid few {3 ladies and 2 men} set off on the second leg of the Downs Link, into the setting of the sun and the cool of the evening at around 20:25. They walked for freedom into the night. At 22:15 they were met at Rudgewick as this photo illustrates - walking now with head-torches into the gloom of tree lined footpaths.

These few now pushed onto Cranleigh Village - where "emergency supplies" of water {some frozen} were handed over. Again, these few pushed onto Bramley and Woneresh {Old} Railway Station where Mevis had to 'retire' due to the pain in her feet - having covered 60km - as it was too Hot! However there is no denying that this was a considerable achievement for Mevis, having not gone this far before - all due to the benefit of previous training - including a tough climb to "Simon's Seat" in North Yorkshire See Previous article [CLICK HERE] Again the Walk for Freedom Ambulance Service was there to assist!

Those 4 heroes remaining {Rashiwe, Sarah, Moses and Sipilien} then pushed on in pitch darkness to Guildford Railway Station - it was now well past midnight, so the early hours of Sunday 14th August.

Finally arriving at Guildford around 3:00am Sunday morning the final 4 were truly tired. Needing more blister plasters, changes of foot-ware and more water - and a little food. The Station Car park was pretty much deserted, with a couple of drunken disco-revelers awaiting their taxi-ride home {we assume}!

Pryford Lock 04:30am. We set off as the dawn was breaking {Rashi, Moses, Siplilen and now John - giving up his driving duties, and Sarah replacing him} to start this leg at 05:00 and the dawning sun. These 4 pushed on, although Rashiwe was having some considerable pain in both knees, and was walking via will-power alone.

 Rudgewick  Coxes Lock
 Rudgwick 22:15 Saturday 13th Aug  Coxes Lock 06:20 Sunday 14th Aug 


Another Tik Tok video was created upon our arrival at "Geno's Cafe at Walton-on-Thames. Moses and Sipilien were battling on in spite of blisters and knee problems. However the most disappointed was Rashiwe, who simply could not attempt the final 8.5km due to the agony she was in with both knees - because it had been too hot! She was especially disappointed as she has completed this full walk 5 times already {2017, 18, 19, 20 and 21} - plus the 2016 walk to the Zimbabwe Embassy. No-one can deny that Rashiwe is a true hero of this "Walk for Freedom" - the Walking in August {in respect of Hero's Day} was an original idea by Rashiwe herself.

So we rested a little at this stage, and {Moses, Sipilien and myself} set off at 8:00am Sunday 14th August 2022, for the final leg of this year's "Walk for Freedom" - fortunately due to it being in the early morning we were in the shade of the trees for most of this final stage. However when we did step into the full sunlight - the heat on our necks and legs was clearly taste of the problems we would have faced much later in the day -


 The Finish - Hampton Court Station  Finished at Hampton Court Station
 Sunday 09:47 at Hampton Court Railway Station  At last the Finishing Line - Hampton Court Station


So we arrived at Hampton Court Railway Station at 09:40 on the Sunday. We just sat down on the kerbside. Chipo was as exuberant as ever - singing and hailing the Walkers! Rashiwe limped out of the Car {ambulance} to join us too - even through her considerable discomfort, hobbling over to greet us. 

But, hey thats the point of the "Walk for Freedom" - it's to represent the STRUGGLE, for justice, for freedom and free elections, the hardships suffered by the majority of Zimbabweans, both in Zimbabwe and in the diaspora. The unequal treatment of the majority by the military backed Zanu PF 'cabal'. It's to remember those who were shot by the Army on 1st August 2018, it's to remember those past and present who were tortured and murdered - because they wanted these freedoms, and to be part of an opposition - an oppostion who merely want their INDEPENDENCE - that fell due to them on the 18th April 1980 - And they are STILL WAITING. Waiting for ZEC to STOP being PARTISAN, for the Judiciary to STOP being PARTISAN, for the Military to STOP being PARTISAN, for the Police to STOP being PARTISAN and all organs of the STATE to STOP being PARTISAN.

When the looting and blatant corruption stops, when there is a free, fair and genuine elections - then Zimbabwe can become a growing Nation, to stop having inflation at over 500%, and a worthless currency at 1:1000 to the USD. To have food in the shops, to have the benefit of the mineral wealth of the Nation used to leverage infrastructure that was available in 1980. Not the broken wreck of a "stone-age" situation, whilst the "elite" can buy and drive Lamborghini's, Ferrari's etc, and live in palaces! This cannot be the reward for a mere government - whose primary function can only be to serve the population - not rule over them.

Zanu PF must go, and go now - their failure this last 42 years cannot be attributed to anything other than their own greed, inefficiency and incompetence! They have no 'skill's that suit their status of their claimed positions within their false government - THEY ARE SIMPLY MASQUERADING AS A gOVERNMENT!

- small "g" to denote their abrogation to the real duty of a government.


Walk for Freedom: Testimonies


A friend once asked me why I put myself trough these punishing regimes, after I had multiple blisters during the "Walk for Freedom" in August 2021. That was my 3rd walk. The regime continue to torture, torment and kill Human Rights Activists and opposition political party members at will and our walks looks just like a drop in the ocean. One can easily lose hope under these circumstances. But doing nothing is being complicit with the oppressor.

I am resolved, even under the scorching sun I will go the whole distance again, maybe inspire one more soul.

With crucial elections due in 2023, the need to register and vote is paramount, one of the key messages during this year’s Walk for Freedom.  I was really encouraged when one of our videos had 41k views in just 24hrs, with a number of viewers expressing a desire to join in future walks. Clearly this shows that all is not in vain indeed.  

Aluta continua victoria acerta Register to Vote and KICK OUT corruption, murder and economic mismanagement in 2023

Sipilien Birani; Leeds, West Yorkshire

Walk for Freedom Thoughts

In the highest temperatures of the United kingdom since records begun. Walk for Freedom event ZHRO.org.uk. The walk was to start from Brighton pier to Hampton Court in london covering a distance of 100km on foot.
On Friday the 12/08/2022, I Moses C Mbano and family, my wife Daisy and our son Alwyn set off from Newcastle upon Tyne to Brighton.

Saturday the 13/08/2022 was a big day this year for all Zimbabweans to demonstrate and show our commitment as we stand in solidarity with all fellow Zimbabweans from all corners of the world. Our prime motivation is to bring change to our country and to make the ruling party, Zanu PF to do the 'right thing' and allow for the transition of power into the hands of the opposition party. 

I left at 10:00 in the morning [from Newcastle-upon-Tyne on the 12th August], we had a long, long drive, the temperatures peaked it was a sweltering day, cars breaking down on the road, trucks and buses alike. The congestion was unbearable as the heat "baked us". I was very tired so was everybody that travelled. All the water, drinks and juices we carried became hard to use, they were very warm. We arrived very late but we never lost the whole 'scope' of the journey. We want free and fair elections in Zimbabwe by 2023. I want to see Zanu pf suffering heavy losses through ballot papers so every Zimbabwean can celebrate another Independence

About 21:50 on the Friday, we finally arrived in Brighton to meet up all participants in the walk for freedom the following day. I and my family are very much dedicated to this cause and 2023 is the year that will put a smile on our faces, looking at Zanu pf packing their bags.

In the morning of the 13/08/2022, I could not wake up on time as we overslept! We were extremely tired that none of us heard the phones ringing. We became two hours behind the schedule but eventually managed to track down others that had left already {at 7:00am}. It was not easy, John Burke, the organiser risked waiting along the road in the sweltering heat until I and Alwyn, my son, managed to catch up with him. The theee of us followed behind everybody else hoping to catch up with them at Devils Dyke, one of the chosen resting place.

After few hours of walking we met with all participants, the logistics were also there we had ice cold water, fresh fruits and some corn. Aunty Chipo is always the best on the logistic team, she boosted the morale, as we sang and danced, some tourist taking pictures and videos of us. It was intriguing. We set off from Devils Dyke and followed the path winding down a very steep slope, cautious of falling down the hill, we cut our way into the valley and disappeared into the farms.

Surely this cause will bear very good fruits for Zimbabwe to become the bread basket of Africa as its been empty for many years. There shall be great ululation, singing and dancing for Independant Zimbabwe. We urge all citizens to register to vote and guard their votes as freedom is coming 2023.

We had some resting stops before we met with the logistics at Christ Hospital Station. I drank water like never before. At Christ Hospital station I had drank over five litres of water, so was the other participants and big thanks to John Burke whom followed us at every stop  to give us water and fruits.

At Christ Hospital we were given food, water and drinks. The next stop to meet up with the logistics was Guildford in Surrey. The sun set and it was good the temperature dropped. We walked in the darkness the whole night. My feet had blistered so badly. I felt like I had some pins puncturing my feet, it was painful. I had chances to drop out and take a ride in the car, but kept telling myself that ‘nothing good come east’ so I kept going.

By sunrise we had covered large swathe of area around 08:00 of Sunday 14/08/2023 we were back on baking heat. It was tiring and we were walking along communities, dog walkers, morning runners and cyclists were everywhere. It was good to see them as all of us had a common goal, vying to achieve.

I want to set my country free from the clutches of Zanu pf led by ED Mnangagwa. We want change of governance in Zimbabwe. We want new ideas that can take us up on the world stage. My motherland Zimbabwe. Along the rivers, canoeing and boating was a good scenery as we were now almost to the end of our Long Walk to Freedom.

It was an excruciating experience, my neck was stiff shoulders rigid as I carried a back pack with some weight in it. Out of the corner of my eye, there appeared Hampton Court Bridge at some distance. It was a sigh of relief our pace suddenly increased, we were sure the job has been done. There was great happiness upon arriving at the finishing spot, the logistics were there to meet us taking pictures as we finally threw ourselves on the pavement of Hampton Court Station. Zanu PF must go as we urge all the people of Zimbabwe to register to vote for the 2023 presidential elections. 

I want to thank all the participants, the organisers of this event, the logistics and all the people that raised our spirits to keep up walking until to the end. Zimbabwe will be free in due course. My son Alwy has never been in Zimbabwe but he fights for his country without rest. My wife Daisy is also very supportive and want to see Zimbabwe transitioning. Together Zimbabweans we will make a difference, lets all go and vote. My vote your vote counts for one Zimbabwe.

from Moses Mbano; Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Walk for Freedom

By Chipo Parirenyatwa; Crawley


ZHRO activists walked from Brighton to London. It was too hot from start to finish. The heatwave was too much but we walked through it. I participated on this walk, lots of drinking water, swollen hands and feet. 

Sweating all the way. Meeting people interested to know of our cause and some people taking pictures sharing them on social media. ZHRO activists, we are determined to spread the word and fight for human rights of ZIMBABWE.

  • #Freedom to all
  • #Stop Abductions
  • #Stop Arbitrary arrests
  • #Stop Persecution
  • #Stop Corruption

BY Mevis Mutsvangwa; Batley, West Yorkshire

Walk for Freedom Reflactions

At the commencment of the walk, we knew that a heat wave was imminent, temperature escalating to over 34°c.

However regardless, of this scorching heat, we were determined and focused to walk for the freedom of our people in Zimbabwe. This walk has brought awareness to the international world of the injustices, human torture, kidnapping and executions, beatings and police brutality happening in Zimbabwe.

We are all hoping for free and fair 2023 elections, I encourage voters to protect their votes.

By Hillary Chikomba; Leeds, West Yorkshire

Walk for Freedom

The walk was challenging because of heat but I endured. Walked through farms and villages far from the madding crowd it was quiet it's the best experience of my life.  It reminded me of the Chimurenga the comrades who fought for our country's freedom. That thought made me stronger and determination to come out of my comfort zone and do something for the benefit of my fellow Zimbabweans.

The day was extremely hot. After West Grinstead the footpath stretched straight ahead no shade but the shade was inside me though my feet were sore and starting to blister, nothing was going to deter me from walking for my Freedom.  

Aim of the walk was to educate and raise awareness to fellow Zimbabweans back home and around the globe that human rights are for everyone not politicians, the rich and the influential NO! I enjoyed my walk and my message to those who haven't been..... please come and join the walk next year.  Rise Rise Rise Zimbabweans for more voices will be heard in the wilderness.  Freedom is COMING.

Thanks to the organisers and all those who supported this walk.

By Plaxedes Damiso; Crawley