◦ We ask the ANC government to make strong binding resolutions in its legislation, against the Zanu PF government, with respect to democracy in Zimbabwe and the Rule of Law. That it considers travel restrictions, freezing of assets, electricity supplies, fuel supplies, trade. For on the table there are many, many things the ANC government can do that will ultimately resuscitate democracy and the Rule of Law in Zimbabwe.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we are asking SADC not to keep repeating what it has done for decades now and that is to simply rubber stamp the Zimbabwean Elections as being “FREE AND FAIR“. For the continuing Zimbabwean crisis rejects that conclusion, that the elections were free and fair. Zimbabwe is in the middle of a Crisis of democracy wholly with regret, created by Zanu PF. Should the Southern African Regional body SADC fail to get to grips with it, we are looking at a crisis that will negatively impact upon the whole of the SADC Region. As already stated, an exodus of about 2 million Zimbabweans into South Africa. Another million into the remainder of the SADC Region. Is SADC aware of the frustration and anger amongst the youth in Zimbabwe because of the lack of change in Zimbabwe. Decades ago, from the Cape to Cairo, it has always been the youth who lead revolutions and who were willing to do the extraordinary. Those youth are now the establishment and they do remember the fire in the belly feeling they had for change when they were young. Now this generation in Zimbabwe finds itself in that very situation. With regret the extremism we see in Northern Mozambique on the Eastern boundary of Zimbabwe are beginning to look attractive, to frustrated youthful, idle minds in Zimbabwe. Can SADC really gamble and take a chance of a melt-down right in its geographical centre. Tensions in Eswatini and The Democratic Republic of Congo would add to what could be a terrible situation that affects the whole Region.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we are asking SADC to hold true to its Article on Elections which emanates from the African Union. To which Zimbabwe is a signatory. For SADC to hold true to the spirit and intent of the Article that was designed to make elections fairer and for there to be fewer disputed elections. If there is a disputed outcome to the Zimbabwe 2023 election it means that the Zanu PF government has not adhered to the article. Thus requiring action from SADC, ie a rerun, ZEC to be suspended and SADC or the African Union to take over ZEC's responsibilities, or if the problems are great then a Caretaker government/Transitional government for two years to get the country in a fit state for another election. With all that we have seen from the Zanu PF government we cannot accept a so called Zanu PF victory within a disputed election result situation. Absolutely not!
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would ask SADC to be as proactive as The West African Regional group ECOWAS. In Southern Africa the people have not been treated well by their Regional body ECOWAS. Due to the Zanu PF government corruption the SADC Regional Court was abolished. The late Zimbabwean President R.G. Mugabe was trying to evade the compensation the Zanu PF government would have to pay the Commercial Farmers for the Land Reform Program. So instead of following matters through the courts the Zanu PF government, with the South African governments chose to abolish the court that gave the farmers compensation. This was a dark day for SADC because now ordinary people did not have a higher Regional Court in which to take matters for appeal, when their respective domestic courts had failed to answer properly their grievances. SADC should have been at the front defending the Regional Court.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, a simple question for SADC and their Article For Elections;- Irrespective of member State's Domestic laws, can any election be called free and fair, when more than a half of the electorate has been denied their Human Right to Vote.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we ask SADC to craft enforceable resolutions upon the Zanu PF government with respect to Democracy and The Rule of Law in Zimbabwe. For SADC are well within their means and authority to do so but have not exercised that authority yet.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we ask SADC to welcome with open arms collaborations with other Regional bodies on the African Continent like ECOWAS or from further afield EC, UN that wish to find a way of resolving the Zimbabwean crisis .
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we ask SADC to welcome collaboration with nation States that wish to contribute to a solution and road map for the return of Democracy and Rule of Law in Zimbabwe.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we ask SADC to accept as truth that there is no colonial war in progress in Zimbabwe. That all of the problems we observe within the Zimbabwean Crisis were made by Zanu PF who has now been in Office for 43 years.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we are minded that the President of The Pan African Parliament, PAP, the Legislative arm of the African Union, is Chief Fortune Charumbira. A strong Zanu PF supporter who in the High Court of Zimbabwe has been ordered not to be involved in partisan politics as a Traditional Leader, in accordance with the Zimbabwean Constitution. For Chief Charumbira had said and continues to say that all Traditional Leaders must be Zanu PF. This is the mindset that totally ignores the Constitution of Zimbabwe. It is hoped that the African Union will ensure that Chief Charumbira declares an interest in the African Unions Election Observers mission and thus recluses himself from the whole Zimbabwe Elections matter. So as not to colour the African Unions independence, fairness and transparency in the Zimbabwean Elections. Time will tell.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, will The African Union be fair and transparent with respect to the fairness and freeness of the Zimbabwean Elections. The African Unions Legislative arm PAP as already stated has a President in the name Chief Fortune Charumbira. Chief Charumbira is facing sexual molestation charges in Zimbabwe against his 27 year old married niece. With concern PAP and The African Union have not yet suspended Chief Charumbira for bringing the institution that represents the whole of Africa into disrepute. Just the allegation and then police report, should have been enough for the African Union and PAP to take immediate action. With regret this has not happened.
◦ Of interest the former President Of PAP Roger Nkodo Dang of Cameroon left under a cloud of sexual misconduct. In May 2019 PAP parliamentary staff went on strike accusing Roger of nepotism, favouritism, bullying and sexual harassment. A parliamentary investigation occurred and found Roger guilty of improper behaviour, unwelcome touching, making unwanted advances, suggestive conversations, scheduling meetings at inappropriate times and venues. The enquiry recommended that the African Union launch a full-scale investigation. However, PAP had a quiet secret meeting and chose to bury the findings and took no further action. Roger Dang kept his position. He only left his position as scheduled in 2022 with full benefits and honours. We bring these matters to light to ensure that there is a level playing field in the reporting of the Zimbabwe elections.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we ask that the African Union craft timely enforceable resolutions (just months ) against the Zanu PF government for the return of democracy and the Rule Of Law to Zimbabwe.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we ask the African Union to recognise and accept that there is no colonial war in progress in Zimbabwe as Zanu PF would have them believe.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would ask The African Union to accept that so long as Zanu PF denies the Zimbabwean Disapora the Human Right to Vote from wherever they are in the world the Zanu PF government will not be recognised and would be suspended from the African Union.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would ask The African Union to recognise that Zanu PF as a political party and its senior officials will shortly be facing the beginning of legal action for Crimes of Genocide against the Ndebele Nation, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes. These crimes are public knowledge and it would tarnish the African Union to be associated with a government and political party that are about to face such charges.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would ask The Commonwealth of Nations not to be too hasty with considerations of re-admitting Zimbabwe under Zanu PF government back into the organisation. For the reasons why Zanu PF government was suspended from the Commonwealth in 2002 for breaching The Harare Declaration are still there and even worse than in 2002. Rather than to try and work with the Commonwealth of Nations to find common ground, with respect to the suspension, Zanu PF government left the Commonwealth.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would say to the Commonwealth of Nations that we well understand why some may wish to see the return of Zimbabwe to the Commonwealth of Nations. We would advise caution, great, great caution particularly at this juncture. For Zanu PF government amongst the other nations would prove to be the greatest distraction the organisation has ever seen. In a negative way. What possible advantages one may have thought would come with the re admittance of the Zanu PF government, would pail into insignificance compared with the tension and problems within the Commonwealth, that would arise as a direct result of Zanu PF's re admittance.
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would ask the Commonwealth of Nations to take stock of the current geopolitical world. The re-admittance of the Zanu PF government into the Commonwealth has been over-taken by events on the global stage. Now is not the time to re-admit the Zanu PF government, for it would result in great tensions within the Commonwealth. Indeed tension that would test its very existence. For Zanu PF has a lot of baggage
• If Zanu PF retains power once again through rigging and use of arms, we would ask the Commonwealth of Nations not to admit a Zanu PF government of Zimbabwe, back into the Organisation because it will bring the organisation into disrepute. Imagine a Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting, CHOGM, in Canada. To the shock and horror of the CHOGM the Zanu PF delegation is arrested by the Canadian authorities because of an International Warrant Of Arrest out for them for The Ndebele Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes. These legal matters have been worked upon by international legal minds, who are now confident of beginning this process well before 2028. These legal matters do not respect politics, do not respect what organisation like the Commonwealth of Nations may want. For the Commonwealth such an eventuality would be catastrophic. Would it survive such an eventuality? With the current geopolitical world and new world order, it is questionable if the Commonwealth would survive such an eventuality and the following acrimonious falling out of which country knew what, which country fixed it to take place, which country gains by it, which country had an agenda for this etc,etc,etc . Should one think this is all hypothetical then we have Vladimir Putin's example. The Russian Federation President wished to attend the BRICS meeting in South Africa. A good, indeed very good opportunity for him to engage in public relations on the world stage amongst other nation. Whilst he was in the middle of the war in Ukraine. But in South Africa law enforcement Agents were being prepared to arrest Valdimir Putin as soon as he lands on South African soil, since there was an international arrest warrant out for him, with respect to events to Ukraine.
Diaspora Vote - Page 7
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- Written by: Chief Felix Ndiweni
- Hits: 2689
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